The presence of multiple players with similar product offerings drives focus on identifying the best-fit suppliers.
Rapid changes in technology, especially its disruptive nature, make it difficult for players to stay up to date and assess its long-term impact.
Finding the right balance between purchasing a high-quality product and the most cost-effective one is vital.
With green buzz gaining popularity, sustainable procurement is going to be the mantra in the IT hardware sector
We offer solutions that not only ensure cost-effective procurement of IT software but are also in compliance with licensing requirements
We can equip you with the resources you need to deal with ever-changing requirements, complex procurement processes, and budgeting
Worried about high cost, how to get a grip on disruptive technologies, and the hassles in selecting best-fit suppliers? Then, connect with us today!
Talk to Our ExpertChallenge: The client wanted to polish up existing negotiation strategies with suppliers. Supplier negotiation approaches turn slow and grimy, and they need a restart from time to time. With this in mind, the telecom business actively looked for ways to identify every single cost driver and reckon its impact on overall cost.
Solution: Our experts carried out a two-step cost-benefit analysis, comprising primary and secondary data collection methods, to weigh in the cost movements across various cost elements. The cost-benefit study served as a baseline for the client to optimize deals with existing suppliers with a focus on cost.
Result: The client has succeeded in cutting back overall costs across its supply networks.
Read More to see the spendedge blogs SpendEdge Procurement Market Intelligence SpaceGathering data on your supplier’s capability to deliver high-quality products is just not enough. More open communication will ensure suppliers not only deliver with quality but also ahead of schedule.
Mismatches between your needs and what your supplier delivers could weaken business performance. By collaborating intensely with suppliers, you can ensure your penchant for KPIs grows on them as well.